About Us
We are a Wireless ISP based out of Fredericksburg Virginia, and founded in 2019 due to the demand of better internet and support. That’s exactly what we’ve come to do!

Hey, that’s me!
You’re reading this because you want to know more about the company right? Well here it is.
My name is Cody Harrell, I was born and raised in Fredericksburg and have become attached to the community this place has. I love everything about this city. When I’m not working on business stuff I binge watch Netflix series, hang out with the dogs, or tour breweries with my girlfriend Bianca. I started this company along with Rappahannock IT to help service this community which I call home. I hope you can be a part of my journey!
Check out the wolf pack below
What is a WISP
WISP stands for wireless internet service provider, and sometimes gets referred to as “fixed wireless.” This is an alternative to a wired internet hookup, with the internet being delivered wirelessly. While traditionally used in more rural areas, where a wired connection is not available, there is a trend to use WISP technology as a competitor to cable and fiber offerings.
In many parts of the U.S. there are only one or two broadband ISPs, typically the cable company and the phone company. Both often provide unreliable connectivity and poor customer service.

Join Our Network
Once you’re with us you’ll never look back to your old dusty ISP anymore. Outages are a thing of the past, and customer support is our top priority. See for yourself!
Homes Online
Business Online
Happy Customers
Connected the right way
Internet is no longer a luxury, I consider it a necessity for this fast paced world. So many people rely on the Internet to operate and work, yet 60 million Americans do not have access. I want to help fill this void in the market for the people who either don’t have the option to get Internet or do not like their current provider.